Dimensionality and measurement of spirituality in mexican leaders


  • Luis Portales
  • Laura Garza-Meza


Spirituality in organizations, personal spirituality, quantitative methods, statistical validation, measurement of spirituality


Spirituality within organizations is a phenomenon  that  has  begun  to  be  studied with greater force from the beginning of XXI century. Its complex and intrinsic nature has made their study a double challenge in terms of its conceptualization and measurement. In response to this challenge, this study had two goals. The first was to create an approach to the study of spirituality in organizations based on the dimensions that comprise it. The result was  the  definition  of  17  dimensions,  which were classified into two levels -personal and organizational- and six areas -spirituality, psychological, personal learning, organizational climate,   identity   to   the   organization   and social relationships. The second goal was to design and validate an instrument to generate indicators  at  personal  level.  Factor Analysis and Principal Component Analysis prove the internal validity of indicators for five of the six proposed dimensions. This work provides an analysis model and a measurement instrument for level of spirituality in leaders of organizations that favors the generation of knowledge and reflection on how this phenomenon improves the living conditions of employees from a human and holistic perspective.



How to Cite

Portales, L., & Garza-Meza, L. (2018). Dimensionality and measurement of spirituality in mexican leaders. Ciencias Administrativas. Teoría Y Praxis, 12(1), 122–139. Retrieved from https://cienciasadmvastyp.uat.edu.mx/index.php/ACACIA/article/view/45


