Transformational and Transactional Leadership in the teacher: from the perspective of university students in the COVID-19 pandemic




leadership, teacher, students


The objective of the study is to identify the leadership style of teachers, through the perception of students in the contingency of COVID-19 of a Higher Education Institution, the research approach is quantitative, the methodology is descriptive-comparative, the MLQ 5X Bass and Avolio (1999) transformational and transactional leadership questionnaire was used, which was adapted for the present investigation with its corresponding validation, obtaining a Cronbach's alpha of 0.798.

The sample consisted of students from sixth to ninth level of the Bachelor of Administration and Engineering in Business Management, the variables of transformational leadership: Idealized influence or Charisma, Inspirational motivation, Intellectual stimulation and Individual and transactional consideration: Contingent reward and Address by active exception. The results obtained from the perception of the students of the leadership of their teachers is 86% transformational and 76% transactional. The moderating variables considered: nature of the subject taught by the teacher and its gender; level of studies, career and cumulative average of the students. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) test, to determine if there are significant differences with leadership, found that the type of subject and the gender of the teacher are significant.



How to Cite

Casique Guerrero, A., & González Martínez, M. C. (2023). Transformational and Transactional Leadership in the teacher: from the perspective of university students in the COVID-19 pandemic. Ciencias Administrativas. Teoría Y Praxis, 19(1), 128–143.


