Millennial management in a creative agency in Durango City


  • Francisco Martín Villarreal-Solís Profesor investigador, departamento de investigación de la División de Estudios de Posgrado, Facultad de Economía, Contaduría y Administración de la Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango, marco administrativo y organizacional
  • Rubén Molina-Sánchez Profesor investigador, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, campus Celaya-Salvatierra, desarrollo y gestión de la mipyme
  • Enrique Blanco-Castañeda Maestro en Finanzas, alumno del Doctorado en Gestión de la Organizaciones, Facultad de Economía, Contaduría y Administración de la Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango, gestión estratégica de las organizaciones



millennial, management, talent, leadership


Incorporating young human talent into the organization can represent management challenges; The so-called millennials have become a stronger force in the workplace, which now incorporates new expectations and motivations, different to those of the generational groups that preceded them; recognizing and managing these new needs can mean a competitive advantage. Based on the observations made within the organizational diagnosis process, this study concluded the creative agency requires improvement in its personnel management, including elements that contribute to personnel retention and to create a better work environment; the improvement actions should focus on the millennial profile present in the members of the organization. The process of identifying the actions and proposals involved reviewing the literature specifically focused on millennial talent management, developed by consultants and experts in the field; the proposal includes a scheme based on communication, constant feedback, work flexibility and participative leadership, all this within an organizational culture environment that triggers organizational values ​​and develops commitment in the company.



How to Cite

Villarreal-Solís, F. M., Molina-Sánchez, R., & Blanco-Castañeda, E. (2022). Millennial management in a creative agency in Durango City. Ciencias Administrativas. Teoría Y Praxis, 18(2), 113–132.