Factors that contribute to build the technological development of SMEs in Hidalgo


  • Magda Gabriela Sánchez-Trujillo
  • Ventura Rodríguez-Lugo
  • Ma. De-Lourdes García-Vargas


growth, echnological development, technological innovation, economic sectors


The present work is focused on four of the main sectors located in the south area of Hidalgo State, México, to develop this work there was applied a needs assessment which scope of study includes administration, technological development, finance, market, production, human resources and University services.

From a sample of 108 companies including the     metal-mechanical,     textile,     chemical and extractive sectors, the results allow to precise   and   characterize   the   opportunity areas that might improve the growth in technological development for SMB (PYMEs) through the promotion of innovation projects between the private sector, government and Universities.



How to Cite

Sánchez-Trujillo, M. G., Rodríguez-Lugo, V., & García-Vargas, M. D.-L. (2018). Factors that contribute to build the technological development of SMEs in Hidalgo. Ciencias Administrativas. Teoría Y Praxis, 12(2), 246–266. Retrieved from https://cienciasadmvastyp.uat.edu.mx/index.php/ACACIA/article/view/80