Corporate Social Responsability. patronal perception of social security


  • Rafael Estrella
  • Arturo Morales
  • Yolanda Cortés


businessman, omission, Corporate Social Responsibility, social security


This   research   project   analyzes   corporate social responsibility from the perception of agents assigned to the Office Collections 2303 IMSS entrepreneurs in San Juan del Rio, Qro., It aims to understand and explain this business perception regarding the payment of COP IMSS in this location. The research focuses on the study of organizations, their makers decisions —businessmen— and reasons leading to the compliance or noncompliance of its social responsibility, try to answer that kind of  perception  leads  the  employer  to  decide to pay or not social obligation, in addition to inquire what are the factors that influence such omission thereby causing a social cost. This is a qualitative analysis Hernández, Fernández and  Baptista  (2010).  which  corresponds  to a  case  study  through  structured  interviews with  each  subject.  A  significant  finding  is that most employers interviewed do not discriminate between taxes and social security



How to Cite

Estrella, R., Morales, A., & Cortés, Y. (2018). Corporate Social Responsability. patronal perception of social security. Ciencias Administrativas. Teoría Y Praxis, 12(2), 116–145. Retrieved from