Management innovation support of competitiveness in the Aerospace Clúster of Valle del Cauca (Col)
Innovation Management, Technology Management, Competitive Management, ClusterAbstract
This article on Innovation Management shows the preliminary results of a study of characterization and analysis Aerospace companies and the different actors of the Colombian Southwest, which aims to contribute to the implementation of technological strategies that ensure competitive advantages and promote development Aerospace Cluster of Valle del Cauca (Col). The state of the art is based on models of knowledge management, innovation management and technology management that determine strategic decisions of the cluster, starting with contributions from Ortiz and Pedroza (2006) on the articulation of strategic management and technology strategy, and Porter (1990), which considers the consortium (cluster) a strategy that helps to gain competitive advantage. The identification and assessment of the capabilities of firms could turn them into world-class suppliers for the aerospace market. The study is cross- sectional descriptive and methodological approach is quantitative. It is based on the application of a survey type questionnaire divided into two parts, the first on basic information and the second on the study variables: independent technology management and dependent competitive management. The method of simple random probability sampling is used to the companies that currently comprise the aerospace cluster. IBM SPSS Statistics Version 20 software was used for data analysis. As finding of the research is the fact that there is a positive correlation between t e c h n ol o g y m a n a g em e n t a n d c o m p e t i t i ve management of cluster actors in studied aerospace industry. This is significant, considering that the aerospace industry in Colombia is to be done, must resolve the absence of policies for development of the aviation sector and the lack of unionization by sectors and subsectors. Based on the results of this work, some final reflections are presented.

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