Longitudinal study on the development of quality culture in the MSME’s in the City of  Rioverde , S.LP., period 2007-2013


  • Jorge Horacio González-Ortiz
  • Ramón Gerardo Recio-Reyes
  • Héctor López-Gama


Mipyme, Cultura de Calidad, Administración hacia la Calidad, SMEs, Quality Culture, Management towards Quality


This is a longitudinal, quantitative, inferential research. In the first stage (2007), 484 questionnaires to a sample of 59 companies were applied in the productive sector of Rioverde, in San Luis Potosí. In the second stage (2013), 651 questionnaires to a sample of 80 companies were applied in the same sector. The purpose of this research is to assess progress at the level of SME quality culture to prove that the growth of quality culture of small organizations is given inertially. The variable quality culture is made up of ten dimensions (González, 2009), and from them, estimating the level of the existing culture quality of each step is carried out. It proved statistically that there is progress in only one dimension, there is no progress in five dimensions and setbacks in four of the ten dimensions that make up the quality culture of MSMEs. The growth of quality culture is not given naturally, actions for its sustenance and development should be performed. The Student t test was applied to obtain results.



How to Cite

González-Ortiz, J. H., Recio-Reyes, R. G., & López-Gama, H. (2018). Longitudinal study on the development of quality culture in the MSME’s in the City of  Rioverde , S.LP., period 2007-2013. Ciencias Administrativas. Teoría Y Praxis, 11(1), 23–36. Retrieved from https://cienciasadmvastyp.uat.edu.mx/index.php/ACACIA/article/view/7


