Propensión de clientes en mercados populares para el comercio digital


  • Julián Ferrer-Guerra Maestro en Ciencias con Especialidad en Sistemas de Información; Profesor Investigador; Departamento de Ciencias Económico Administrativas, Tecnológico Nacional de México en Celaya, línea de investigación Micro, pequeña y medianas empresas. Tecnologías de información y comunicación
  • Juan Carlos López-Medrano Candidato a Maestro en Gestión Empresarial, Departamento de Ciencias Económico Administrativas, Tecnológico Nacional de México en Celaya, línea de investigación Micro, pequeña y medianas empresas
  • Alejandro Guerrero-Barrón Maestro en Gestión Empresarial. Departamento de Ciencias Económico Administrativas, Tecnológico Nacional de México en Celaya, Línea de Investigación Innovación



Technology acceptance, popular markets, online commerce


Electronic commerce has been proposed as an alternative to traditional face-to-face commerce, especially in view of the Covid 19 pandemic. This report presents the results of a study carried out in popular markets in the city of Celaya (Mexico). A survey was carried out on 250 customers of traditional retail businesses, using as a reference the Peña-Nieto model based on the models of acceptance of technology widely used in the field to date, and oriented towards the intention to purchase online. The results show that the proposed model significantly and jointly influences its seven dimensions as predictors of the intention to use. Individually, the dimensions of attitudes and self-efficacy present statistical significance as predictors of online purchase intention. The study makes it possible to determine the variables that impact the purchase decision of users, even when they do not have previous experience in electronic commerce. The study allows us to verify that low-income customers, as represented by this type of market, may be prone to online purchases as an alternative to traditional commerce.



How to Cite

Ferrer-Guerra, J., López-Medrano, J. C., & Guerrero-Barrón, A. (2023). Propensión de clientes en mercados populares para el comercio digital. Ciencias Administrativas. Teoría Y Praxis, 19(1), 67–89.


