Proposal for a multigenerational compensations model


  • Alfonso Ernesto Benito Fraile
  • Corazón Beas Zertuche
  • Diana Martha Mendoza Santoyo
  • Juan Pablo Ochoa Tamez


Multigenerational, Compensations, Human Resources


Nowadays the companies face the challenge of learning to coexist and working with 4 or 5 different generations simultaneously. This fact is new in the history, since so many generations had never coincided with the same labor area.
Every generation, in turn, brings I obtain a vision of the world, of the work, of the relations and of his(her,your) needs differently. A vision and differentiated needs that affect also for what they look in his(her,your) plans of compensations, since every generation values different elements. The system of compensations is important since they are an element of motivation and labor satisfaction.
In this investigation(research) one proposes a multigenerational plan of compensations elaborated from the theoretical - practical realized study. One penetrates into the different generations.



How to Cite

Benito Fraile, A. E., Beas Zertuche, C., Mendoza Santoyo, D. M., & Ochoa Tamez, J. P. (2020). Proposal for a multigenerational compensations model. Ciencias Administrativas. Teoría Y Praxis, 15(2), 28–42. Retrieved from