Literature review to measure relational psychological contract, affective commitment and intention to share tacit knowledge


  • Petra Salazar-Fierro
  • Josefa Melgar-Bayardo


literature review, measurement instrument, relational psychological contract, affective commitment, tacit knowledge


Many organizations believe that only with high technology use they can obtain competitive advantages  and  they  have  ignored  widely what the persons’ tacit knowledge represents. This knowledge is able to create sustainable competitive advantages that allow organizations to distinguish one from another when they possess valuable resources such as people able to form teams and ensure a workforce that cannot be copied by its competitors.

The objective of the present research is to analyze the different used forms to measure the relational psychological contract, the affective  commitment  and  the  intention  to share tacit knowledge. The literature review of the present work was realized from January 2014 to August 2015 and sixteen researches related with relational psychological contract were analyzed; twenty-four to affective commitment and fourteen to intention to share tacit  knowledge.  The  results  show  the  use of various instruments and adaptations of it to  measure  the  studied  variables  of  which 68.75%  of  the  researches  used  the  Scale of Psychological Contract to measure the relational psychological contract; 95.83% used the Three- Component Model to measure affective commitment and 42.86% used the measurement scale developed by Bock, Zmud, Kim and Lee (2005) to measure the intention to  share  tacit  knowledge.  Findings  include that the highest rate of reliability obtained in the instruments used to measure relational psychological contract was a Cronbach Alpha .90; to affective contract was .93 and .98 to intention to share tacit knowledge. Also studies shows that the larger quantity of subjects used in the application of instruments to measure the relational psychological contract was 1028, to  affective  commitment  1500  and  2010  to intention to share tacit knowledge.



How to Cite

Salazar-Fierro, P., & Melgar-Bayardo, J. (2018). Literature review to measure relational psychological contract, affective commitment and intention to share tacit knowledge. Ciencias Administrativas. Teoría Y Praxis, 12(2), 175–192. Retrieved from