Development of digital skills: relationship with perceived self-efficacy and attitude towards ICT in higher education students


  • Ivette Armandina Joya-Hunton Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación; profesora de tiempo completo del Depto. de Ciencias Económico-Administrativas y Coordinadora del Programa Institucional de Tutoría del Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus Instituto Tecnológico de Culiacán; líneas de investigación: Aprendizaje y Docencia; Gestión y desarrollo de PYMES
  • Flor de la Cruz Salaiza-Lizárraga Doctora en Administración; profesora de tiempo completo, Jefa de Proyectos de Investigación del Depto. de Ciencias Económico-Administrativas y secretaria del Consejo de Posgrado de la Maestría en Ingeniería Industrial del Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus Instituto Tecnológico de Culiacán; líneas de investigación: Aprendizaje y Docencia; Gestión y desarrollo de PYMES
  • Pedro Villa-Casas Licenciado en Informática; profesor de tiempo completo del Depto. de Sistemas y Computación, Administrador de la Plataforma Moodle en el Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus Instituto Tecnológico de Culiacán; línea de investigación: Aprendizaje y Docencia



Digital Competencies, Perceived Self-efficacy, Attitudes towards ICT


Educational institutions carry out a relevant role in the allocation of value in organizations through the training of professionals, future entrepreneurs, and collaborators. An investigation is presented with higher-level students with digital skills and generally a favorable attitude toward them. However, difficulties are observed in developing the digital skills required for academic tasks. The Self-efficacy construct of social cognitive theory was studied as a factor that affects the relationship between Attitudes toward Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the development of Digital Competencies in young people from various educational programs and higher-level institutions. A predominantly quantitative methodology was applied with a non-experimental design and correlation scope that included Likert scales to collect information. Results showed strong to medium positive correlations in all relationships; and the means of the variables were higher than the mean value of the scales. These results will have implications for the implementation of better-focused didactic strategies to achieve learning that favors the skills required of professionals in the complex globalized world.



How to Cite

Joya-Hunton, I. A., Salaiza-Lizárraga, F. de la C., & Villa-Casas, P. (2023). Development of digital skills: relationship with perceived self-efficacy and attitude towards ICT in higher education students. Ciencias Administrativas. Teoría Y Praxis, 19(2), 41–60.

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