Importance of logistics performance in Mexican foreign trade. Brief analysis of the period 2010-2016


  • Karla María Nava-Aguirre
  • Mario De las Fuentes-Melo
  • Hernán Dávila-Randall
  • Rolando Salas-Valerio


Logistics performance, international trade, World Bank


Globalization of markets and production generates an ever closer connection between nations. The distance is no longer a problem in international trade however, strategies to facilitate not only flow of goods but also information have become a challenge for companies. The Logistics Performance Index (LPI)  from Connecting to Compete  report elaborated by the World Bank since 2007 is an analysis tool for countries. This report evaluates six logistics indicators at more than 160 countries and demonstrates strengths and opportunities faced by countries to be more competitive in the global economy. Therefore, the general objective of this research is to describe the importance of the logistics performance in the international trade of Mexico. LPI reports from 2012 to 2016 were analyzed. Five interviews were conducted with experts in Mexico. Customs and infrastructure for trade are the most important tasks to improve Mexican logistics performance with the support of public and private sectors. As a conclusion, the future of the mexican international trade will depend on an efficient supply chain based on three pillars: environment, human resorces and technology.



How to Cite

Nava-Aguirre, K. M., De las Fuentes-Melo, M., Dávila-Randall, H., & Salas-Valerio, R. (2020). Importance of logistics performance in Mexican foreign trade. Brief analysis of the period 2010-2016. Ciencias Administrativas. Teoría Y Praxis, 15(2), 79–96. Retrieved from