Internal and external factors of business growth in Mexican micro companies


  • Deyanira Bernal Dominguez


motivation, knowledge management, investments.


The National Statistical Directory of Economic Units (DENUE) of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) establishes the size of companies according to the number of employees. According to what is published in the DENUE, in Culiacán there are 33,949 micro sized companies. We applied 118 questionnaires validated with the KR index (20) with the range of 0.731. The objective was to analyze if there is a relationship between sales growth and internal factors such as age, size, motivation, knowledge management, external factors such as competitors and customers; other factors such as asset increase and increased market share. Pearson Chi-square tests were performed to identify the relationships between variables. The main finding is that there is no relationship between business growth and internal factors such as age, size and motivation; There is a strong relationship with the training of employees and new investments in assets. The limitations of the investigation is that it is not yet finished. The relevance is oriented to the discovery of the operative actions that drive the growth of the sales in the companies of micro size of the study.



How to Cite

Bernal Dominguez, D. (2019). Internal and external factors of business growth in Mexican micro companies. Ciencias Administrativas. Teoría Y Praxis, 14(2), 27–39. Retrieved from