Peer Review

Peer review process
The Journal evaluates the articles received in a double-blind process, where the first filter is the Editorial Committee, which accepts or rejects the original work based on quality, scientific contribution, and consistency with the objectives of the Journal. Once this stage is over, the articles are assigned to referees of the journal who will act as academic peers in the double-blind evaluation process of the articles proposed for publication. These referees will issue their judgments in the format provided by the Editorial Board. After this review, the article can be accepted without changes, with minor changes, with major changes or it can be rejected.

If a controversy arises because the opinions of the reviewers do not coincide, the general editor will be the one who will have the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.

The anonymity of both the authors and the reviewers is a requirement in the evaluation process. During the evaluation process, the authors will be informed about the review status via email and the OJS platform. The response of the authors to the comments of the reviewers will be in writing, through a letter detailing each of the points modified to the document. Once the article has been received with the corrections made and the response letter to the reviewers, the Journal will send the document again to the referees so that they can validate compliance with the authors' suggestions and, if necessary, make a replica of the modifications presented. Once the reply phase has been approved, it is ruled as approved if it has satisfactorily complied with the changes or rejected if, in the opinion of the referees, the points observed have not been satisfied.