Humanistic management and the common good: a methodological approach for an empirical research
Palabras clave:
Humanistic Management, Qualitative Research, Inductive Paradigm, Research Methodology, Exploratory ResearchResumen
This paper is the result of the methodology design developed for a doctoral proposal. The paradigm of the dissertation is the inductive paradigm, and the methodology proposed is the study case. In this sense, this paper has the intention to demonstrate a possible methodology design for the study of complex social phenomena such as the humanistic management and its impacts on the common good. The proposal mentioned was presented and approved in Dec-2012.1
For achieving the purpose of this paper we first present a brief description of the social phenomena called “humanistic management”. We do this in order to put in context this paper and to demonstrate why the phenomenon subject of this paper can be considered as a complex social phenomenon and in this sense why it can be studied from an inductive approach.
Then we present the design of the research, the justification for it, the way in which the sample will be selected, the methodology to be followed, how we assure trustworthiness in the research, and some of the tools to be used in the research process. At this point, it is necessary to mention that the objective of the doctoral thesis is to discover the impact that a humanistic management in a firm will have on its Stakeholders. The research is exploratory in nature, and in this sense and according to what is proposed by Yin (1994) and Eisenhardt (1989), the most appropriate method of investigation is the case study